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FTP client FileZilla try use.

Published on| April 17th, 2009 | No Comment.
Upload, download and try

The left, in their own PC folder (directory).
The right screen, FTP site folder (directory).

Try uploading
From the left, or folder you want to upload, select the file, try right-clicking.
When I see the following screen.

"Upload" to implement the upload button.
"Add files to the queue" and, later to run together, like to keep an appointment. (After the tool bar and a room, the menu Transfer - to handle the queue] Please implement the upload. )

At this time, I want to upload your site folder on the right screen (directory) so well that you forget the combination, and I want attention.
I remember well, and then uploaded to a folder or a different kind.

Try downloading
Screen from the right, or folder you want to download, select the file, try right-clicking.
When I see the following screen.

"Download" to implement the download button.
"Add files to the queue" and, later to run together, like to keep an appointment. (After the tool bar and a room, the menu Transfer - to handle the queue] Please implement the download. )

At this time, the right to download the PC screen so that you often tend to forget with a folder, I want attention.
I remember well, you can download to a different folder entirely.


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