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Portable TuxCards (MultiLanguage) for Windows

Published on| September 6th, 2014 | No Comment.
Portable TuxCards (MultiLanguage) for Windows
Portable TuxCards has been integrated to OulBook. I will never update Portable TuxCards.
If you are interested it, you are better to see this page .

I will launch Portable TuxCards (MultiLanguage) for Windows that was customized original TuxCards by this page.

TuxCards is
outline processer with Qt and Licence is GPL, so it is open source.
It will manage your ideas by structuring tree, and the structuring document will convert to HTML format. Linux user was many this software's users, Linux users were this software's users, but windows users can use it, and Mac users too. So this software was not launch as binary for Windows or Mac.

But this page will give chance for use TuxCards to Windows user by bainary files for windows.

On "TuxCards Custom Package in OulBook page ", you can download all files with the features described here.

Portable TuxCards (MultiLanguage) for Windows

This software is customized original source(TuxCards (2.21)) for portable. If this has some problems, you write comment of this page. However you should not send informations of problem to original auther(Alexander Theel). Because he does not know about this customized software.

I cannot guarantee that the Software is free of any actual or legal defects (including but not limited to stability, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for a specific purpose, security related defects, errors or bugs, infringement of rights etc.).
So, it will be opened on GPL v2 Licence.

Customized feature

  • Portability

    You will be able to use just now if you copy some files any directory of your pc. and you will be able to move its directory to another pc or another directory very easy.

  • japanese language file(tuxcards_ja.pm)

    You will be able to custom to your language if you translate tuxcards.ts, and convert to tuxcards_xx.pm.(MultiLangeage)

  • Hide CactusBar

    The CactusBar was invented this original auther(Alexander Theel) and his friend(Markus Gebhard). But it take some cpu resource from my pc, and does not affect this software other features.

  • Allways show sub title, and expiry date
  • Can select theme like windows xp

    You can select theme like windows xp if you edit configure file(.tuxcards) like following. But you can edit only themes(windowsxp or windowsvista) provided by Qt 4.8.6 .

  • Can set default icon of element

    Original TuxCards can set icon for each element. But I was not so happy that it did not show image if I did not specify anything.
    So, You can set default icon of element if you edit configure file(.tuxcards) like following. You will see "default_icon.png" without set icon of element.


    And you can back default action if you remove "Default_Icon" key. So this way will not show icon if you do not specify icon of element.
    And if you want to use another image format of png, you download "Qt images plugins" and extract to installed directory.

  • Splitter works smooth within any width
  • Windows title works if change filename
  • Can save if change any property of element(icon etc,)
  • Sample lua script that convert from "."(dot) text format(WZ Editor) to TuxCards xml format

    WZ Editor is famous outline processer in japanese.

Installation and Execute

  1. First step, you should download Portable TuxCards (MultiLanguage) for Windows , extract it to any directory.

    it may not work if you extract it to directory that everyone can not write.
    If you extract to "C:\Program Iles(x86)\TuxCards\" on Windows 7 or 8, Administrator authorization is required for write. it means it do not work.

  2. And if you want to use another image format of png, you download "Qt images plugins" and extract to installed directory.
  3. Next and final step, you can execute tuxcards.exe.

    Already, you have got environment it can execute always. Example, it will execute if you do double click "tuxcards.exe" in Exploler on Windows.

On "TuxCards Custom Package in OulBook page ", you can download all files with the features described here.
If this has some problems, you write comment of this page. However you should not send informations of problem to original auther(Alexander Theel). Because he does not know about this customized software.

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