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This is new version of Change Markers for Notepad++.
Change Markers is
a plugin that marks lines that have changed in a document since it was since it was last loaded, and since it was last saved.
You can view lines with un-saved changes using the Jump menu commands.
Use Jump: Prev Change and Next Change to move through the changes in the order they were made.
Use Jump: Changed Line Up and Down to move to the first change found in the direction chosen.
Disabling change tracking for a document will clear all markers and reset the change tracker.
This can be used to clear old change marks, and keep your undo history, and not need to reload the document.
Disabling the whole plugin will stop all change processing.
If you have several large documents and will be doing bulk changes disabling the plugin will help speed up the process.
Hopefully you find this to be a useful tool.
Thell Fowler (almost automated) -- original auther.
( This is quote of "About Dialog". )
The Change Markers plugin has stay old stable version(1.2.0 / 2014-09).
But it is not not compatible with the latest version of Notepad++.
So, it do not work well with the latest one.
This new version of Change Markers plugin will work with the latest one.
This page will launch Change Markers binary file( .dll file ) and source files.
I have edited some header files for addition "#include ..." .
Remove Original feature "Disable Tracking for this Document"
This feature could not work well with latest Notepad++. Perhaps there are some bugs.
But I can not know correct work of this feature.
Bug fix of always checked "Disable Plugin"
Bug fix of always checked all display types("Display ...")
Add Display Bookmark Margin
Change Markers have the following display 4 types (include "Bookmark Margin").
Display: Line Number Margin
Change Marker show left of Line number.
Display: Bookmark Margin
Change Marker show right of Line number.
Display: Change Mark Margin
Change Marker show left of Text Area.
Display: As Line Highlight
Change Marker show background color on Text Area.
Change default edit color ( Yellow → Orange )
Installation and Execute
First step, you should download dll file(binary file) from download page.
Net step, it extract to "plugins" of Notepad++ instaled directory .
Next and final step, you can execute notepad++.exe.
Already, you have got environment it can execute always.
Example, it will execute if you do double click "notepad++.exe" in Exploler on Windows.
You can change edit color or save color if you edit configure file of Change Maerkers.
it file exist as "NppPlugin_ChangeMarker.xml" on "plugins\Config" of Notepad++ instaled directory.
First stpe, you should close Notepad++, and you will edit it file with notepad.exe on windows.
You edit bgColor attribute of WordsStyle tag.
bgColor attribute is Hex numbers of RGB(Red-Green-Blue).
i.e, FF8800 mean Red=255(FF), Green=136(88), Blue=0. So it is Orange color.
If you finish edit, you should save and start Notepad++.
Known problems or unsupported features
There is a bug in Scintilla marker to line tracking for a marker assigned to line 1.
Original auther had written so in "project_notes.txt".
But I have not seen it yet.
May speed down for many change histories.
Original auther had written so in "About dialog".
But I have not seen it yet.
If you feel sped down, you may use "Disable Plugin".
It feature will clear many change histories.
This dll will give you very simple feature, and very helpfull.
Perhaps you will get Notepad++ like Visual C++ editor with dll files of this site.
And I will hope that you will be happy.
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It does not work! After installing I have all menu entityes checked (the plugin submenu) and when I try to uncheck them to find out how should it work, the plugin crashes. Please make a separate single plugin which reflects the picture. I really don’t line blue dots, I want to see bars like in the AkelPad and Visual Studio.
This is Kon, I manage this site.
Really ?
You will be able to get the binary files of customized notepad++ by
You will unzip download file, and just when you will click notepad++, you will see plugin manger window for update of plugin “Change Markers”.
But you never update this plugin, because update plugin has a few bugs.
If you did not update “Change Markers” by plugin manger window, you can see notepad++ with the new “Change Markers” that got from this site, and if you type a few alphabets or numbers… etc, you will see modified color bar.
January 13th, 2015 @ 01:29:01
Thanks for stepping up to bring ChangeMarkers up to date. I highly recommend posting the source code.
January 13th, 2015 @ 04:48:06
This is Kon, I manage this site.
So thanks your comment.
You will be able to get the source code by
December 16th, 2015 @ 05:20:13
It does not work! After installing I have all menu entityes checked (the plugin submenu) and when I try to uncheck them to find out how should it work, the plugin crashes. Please make a separate single plugin which reflects the picture. I really don’t line blue dots, I want to see bars like in the AkelPad and Visual Studio.
December 16th, 2015 @ 15:20:01
This is Kon, I manage this site.
Really ?
You will be able to get the binary files of customized notepad++ by
You will unzip download file, and just when you will click notepad++, you will see plugin manger window for update of plugin “Change Markers”.
But you never update this plugin, because update plugin has a few bugs.
If you did not update “Change Markers” by plugin manger window, you can see notepad++ with the new “Change Markers” that got from this site, and if you type a few alphabets or numbers… etc, you will see modified color bar.