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Notepad++ (ja-pack)
Current Version : Notepad++ 6.8.7(ja-pack 1.4.2)
2015.11.30 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.8.7(ja-pack 1.4.2) .
2015.07.02 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 1.4).
2015.01.13 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.3(ja-pack 1.2).
2015.01.08 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.3(ja-pack 1.1).
2014.12.22 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.1.

This page is Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) .

Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) is sure, based Notepad++, and customized it.

Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.

I hope that Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) will be its powerfull Notepad++ more helpfull, for japanese users and unicode users.

This page will provide you new Release news of its Notepad++ ( ja-pack ), and you may see your hopefull cutomized Notepad++.

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