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Current Version : Notepad++ 6.8.7(ja-pack 1.4.2)
2015.11.30 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.8.7(ja-pack 1.4.2) .
2015.07.02 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 1.4).
2015.01.13 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.3(ja-pack 1.2).
2015.01.08 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.3(ja-pack 1.1).
2014.12.22 Released Notepad++( ja-pack ) for Notepad++ 6.7.1.
This page is Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) .
Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) is sure, based Notepad++, and customized it.
Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.
I hope that Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) will be its powerfull Notepad++ more helpfull, for japanese users and unicode users.
This page will provide you new Release news of its Notepad++ ( ja-pack ), and you may see your hopefull cutomized Notepad++.
Notepad++ ( ja-pack ) is compatible with the latest version(6.8.7) of Notepad++.
The following features, sure, is compatible with the latest version.
Customized Notepad++
Notepad++ ja-pack All in One is customized original notepad++.exe file.
this is supported with some features like following.
Suppported EUC-JP
Set default another character code when ANSI was detected by detect character code feature.(default Shift JIS)
Can show or hide each symbol marks(Tab, Space, Zenkaku-Space, EOL).
Supported word wrap of characters.
Customized Scintilla for Notepad++
Scintilla is version up
Scintilla was used old version 3.3.4 with Notepad++ 6.7.3(2015.01 released).
But this released Scintilla is base version 3.4.4.
The Latest Notepad++ has upgraded Scintilla to version 3.5.6, So this customized Scintilla use same version too.
Carriage return and tab, white blank marks changed one like arrow marks.
Return mark changed one like arrow marks,
and tab mark changed triangle marks, and blank mark changed to do not show but zenkaku-blank will show as square mark,
like many japanese text editors to do so.
Some operations(Mouse double click, Ctrl + Left(Right)Arrow, Ctrl + Shift + Left(Right)Arrow ) select multi byte word.
You will be able to select word of multi-byte languages if you operate so easy operations(double click,...).
Sure, Japanese language too.
Customized Plugin for Notepad++
New verion of NppPlugin Change Markers Plugin for Notepad++
You will be able to see editing line or saved line by Change Markers Plugin(new version).
Release News
You might be able to find your hopefull feature in this news.
If you find your hopefull feature, you should see detail page, and download files, and install it.
Perhaps you will be able to install only copy some files(builded by VC++ VC++2008 VC++2010 VC++2013), but should be check detail page.
You may need to install a runtime library for VC++2013.
Notepad++ ja-pack (AIO) All In One Package
The Change Markers is alpha version.
It may have some problems in notepad++.
If you do not need it, you should disable its plugin.
for original notepad++ 6.8.7 and rebuild by vc++2013. You might need to install Visual Studio 2013 runtime library(
[bug fix]
Do not work regular expression of find function. (Special thanks Ishii-san.)
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