Joomla!, Wordpress tips for building your site

Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

1. Print PHP Warning (Invalid CRT parameters detected ) by qTranslate on Wordpress

Published on| December 28th, 2011

If you use qTranslate plugin with WordPress, you may see many warning message like below information on Apache and PHP with Windows OS. qTranslate Warning: I ...

2. How to use your original mysql table in Wordpress post.

Published on| February 18th, 2011

This time, I will show how to use (search, update, etc.) your original mysql table in WordPress post. You know how to use mysql tables for WordPress. So, yo ...

3. A Few SQL to rescue you with Wordpress

Published on| October 21st, 2010

Have you seen that you could not login to WordPress because you have mistaken update ? So, I have seen it. So, I will show a few following SQL to help foolis ...

4. Redirect Loop by qTranslate on Wordpress 3.0

Published on| July 23rd, 2010

It has passed a few weeks after WordPress3.0 released. Now, many plug-in developers has make work compatibility to 3.0. So I think that I want to update WordP ...

5. How to use GMail with Wordpress

Published on| June 14th, 2010

Wordpress has mail function that send email to notify comments or pin back etc. Usually, its email function will use PHP mail function. So if you use server th ...

6. How to use More-Feed-Excerpt WordPress Plugin

Published on| June 3rd, 2010

You will notice that Feed works correctly with WordPress without your any operation. But you might think that you do not want to include all the texts in con ...

7. Broken language file(mo file) by qTranslate ?(2)

Published on| May 25th, 2010

I wrote the article of previous time “Broken language file(mo file) by qTranslate ?“. At last, a true cause of the problem of this article clarifie ...

8. Broken language file(mo file) by qTranslate ?

Published on| May 18th, 2010

I noticed the management window of WordPress not displayed by the mother tongue. I investigated the cause. I think that the cause was qTransrate maybe. But , I ...

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Joomla!, Wordpress as CMS using a site building, site management, software usage to describe the development tips.

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