Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category
1. Print PHP Warning (Invalid CRT parameters detected ) by qTranslate on Wordpress
If you use qTranslate plugin with WordPress, you may see many warning message like below information on Apache and PHP with Windows OS.
qTranslate Warning: I ... |
2. How to use your original mysql table in Wordpress post.
This time, I will show how to use (search, update, etc.) your original mysql table in WordPress post.
You know how to use mysql tables for WordPress. So, yo ... |
3. A Few SQL to rescue you with Wordpress
Have you seen that you could not login to WordPress because you have mistaken update ? So, I have seen it.
So, I will show a few following SQL to help foolis ... |
8. Broken language file(mo file) by qTranslate ?
I noticed the management window of WordPress not displayed by the mother tongue.
I investigated the cause.
I think that the cause was qTransrate maybe. But , I ... |