How to use GMail with Wordpress
Wordpress has mail function that send email to notify comments or pin back etc.
Usually, its email function will use PHP mail function. So if you use server that can not use PHP mail function, you can not accept emails of notify comments or pin back etc.
If you use pay rental server, you might not have this problem. Anyways if you use original server, you might have this problem.
Because you feel difficult the setting of send mail server(MTA) on original server.
Example, you might not be able to understand the setting for ‘Outbound Port 25 Blocking’.
Example, your MTA might send much span mails if you server has not enough security.
You have some method that resolve this problem.
One way, you use GMail.
But you can not use GMail on WordPress without any plugins.
If you use the following plugin , you will be able to use GMail.
Download : Cimy Swift SMTP
You can find some plugins that has same function.
But some plugins might not word on your server. Cimy Swift SMTP might work your server.
Let's install it.
First ,You should download zip file (Download : Cimy Swift SMTP ).
So, you can install (donwload) zip file from plug-in menu-tab ( [Plugins] – [Add New] – [Upload] ) at “Manage Plugin” after Login.
After installation, enable the plug-in.
Let's use it.
- Enable this plug-in
- Set property of this plug-in
First step you should click [Setting] – [Cimy Swift SMTP].
Next step you should set property of this plug-in.
You should set properties of follow items.
You might set site manager’s name. You might set site manager’s mail address.。 If you wanto set always overwrite sender mail address, you should check it.
If you check it, “Contact us” pages of your site will send always with “Sender e-mail” even if visitor set visitor’s address.If you want to use your GMail, you should set ‘’ . - 25 (Default SMTP Port)
- 465 (Use for SSL/TLS/GMAIL)
- Custom Port: (Use Box)
If you want to use your GMail, you should set ‘465 (Use for SSL/TLS/GMAIL)’ .
Also if you want to use 587 port, you should set ‘Custom Port: (Use Box)’ .And you sould set ‘587’ on text box.If you want to use your GMail, you should set your GMail address( ex) ) . If you want to use your GMail, you should set your GMail password . - No
- TLS (Use for Gmail)
If you want to use your GMail, you should set TLS (Use for Gmail) . If you finish setting, you should click “Save Changes”.
And You should try test send mail on following window.
Do not forget to click “Save Changes” before test.
You sould set your mail address for test on text box.
And you sould click Send Test.
Perhaps you will see following message.
And test mail will arrive at your mail address for test with following message.This is a test mail sent using the Cimy Swift SMTP Plugin. If you’ve received this email it means your connection has been set up properly! Cool!
If test mail has not arrived at your mail address for test with following message, you should check span mail.
And if you can not find test mail, you should check smtp server name, user name, mail address etc,….
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3 Responses to “How to use GMail with WordPress”
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February 19th, 2011 @ 14:36:04
[…] ちなみにプラグインの解説はこんな記事がありました。 WordPressでSMTPサーバーへ直接メール送信する(GMailを使う) […]
May 18th, 2011 @ 04:04:26
[…] 参考⇒WordPressでSMTPサーバーへ直接メール送信する(GMailを使う) […]
August 24th, 2011 @ 01:19:46
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