Joomla!, Wordpress tips for building your site

global variables can not handle runPHP

Published on| November 29th, 2009 | No Comment.

runPHP seems to handle global variables.
runPHP usage in the pages that have a global scope does not work.
Have not read in detail, I like that.

Try code 1
$aaa = 'test';
function displayAAA()
	global $aaa;
	echo $aaa;

Please try to see the above code to embed in the article.
Not display the marvelous.()

Of course, the above code and save the file php, WEB from direct, php files would start,
Makes it appears.

Try code 2
function displayAAA()
	$aaa = 'test';
	echo $aaa;

Please try to see the above code to embed in the article.
But of course, the dazzling display.()

To find it, I took a hell of time.()
exec php?I was also in the other plug-ins, this behavior does not change.
The first written usage as well "eval () function is limited."Rashii?Is.

Should not use global've been stupid of me to rely on.(Serious soul-searching.)


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